Ready to Launch

Ready to Launch

It’s about 0245 in the morning and I am on duty. Torn between peeking and tweaking this website before I officially publish it, working on mandatory computer-based trainings the Navy is excited to see me complete, managing the wrong end of more than one deadline around the office, and still being able to go home and maintain some resemblance of an adequate father and husband. Where some people may fold, and I’ve certainly thought about it, on a long enough timeline I believe that I will not break. The stress does not always feel good, but in some weird way it’s the kind I like.

That stress gives me purpose. Better writers have written more on it, and how dare I compare my thoughts to theirs, yet the ability to still think while suppressed by life’s demands is one of the greatest markers for success. That’s me talking and not ripped from some quote book either.

Still, finding the time to do all the things you want to do is a tall ask for anyone. When I’m given that time, as you might have read page after page in The Whiskey Journal it is another problem entirely to seize the time and make the most of it. I’m just as guilty as the next guy: my bed is most comfortable the first 30 seconds AFTER my alarm goes off, the YouTube algorithm knows me better than my own family and down that rabbit hole I wander, or I get so wrapped up in doing so much for others I neatly forget to take care of my own maintenance. Maybe some of this sounds familiar. If so, here we are, in the same foxhole, and I’m glad to have met you.

This webpage has taken over a year to launch. I’ve renewed the domain lease already without another person actually seeing it. You could say that’s a sunk cost and I wouldn’t argue. Life got in the way, but like the tortoise I ambled along and we are to this point. It’s very exciting. The work put in by my webmaster, Emily, has been a great working relationship. I hope to find ways to shamelessly insert her own platform onto my own so that everyone can get theirs. Isn’t that what we are all after anyway?