A Snapshot of the Whiskey Journal author:

C.W. Rastall is a native of Baraboo, WI. As a tender youth, he was brought up in the middle-class times of his era with his four siblings ranging from nine years his senior to thirteen his junior. Although a McFetridge Scholar out of high school, he still managed to fail out of his first undergraduate experience at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay after only five semesters. During that time he was a walk-on member of the men's swimming and diving team garnishing the coveted "Most Improved" Award.

After his time at UWGB, Rastall enlisted in the United States Navy in 2008 and has worked as a Hospital Corpsman ever since, specialising as a pharmacy technician. He was placed on academic probation in every formal schooling the Navy offered. In 2012 he scraped up enough credits to earn an associate’s degree, and it'd be another 10 years before he finished two bachelor's degrees. In December of 2023 he earned his Master's of Business Administration where he hopes to complete formal education, but never say never because only a Sith deals in absolutes.

The Navy has taken him primarily to Japan where he has spent over 13 years of his career. Not one to shy away from traveling on Uncle Sam's dime, he has also been to Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, Australia, and the Philippines with some other stops in between.

His greatest accomplishment to date is convincing his wife, Saori, to marry him after only dating for 12 weeks. She has been his biggest advocate, and more importantly the mother of his children. He has sired three fine young men: Josiah, Atticus, and Oliver, all of whom thankfully look more like their mother in beauty and grace than him.

Rich in friends and family, being without want for most of his life, C.W. has toiled in work since the law allowed him to at the age of 14. He likes to think he's been grinding since then and possibly piqued when he began his own business while on active duty leading to many long days, early mornings, and late night.